The State Council on Mental Health (SCMH) is an active advocacy group with 21 volunteer members who provide a voice for children, youth, adults, and their families on behavioral health issues. Established in 1984, SCMH had existed for decades yet they were still without an online presence, which hindered their ability to share information about the important work they are doing to improve and advocate for a system of care that provides quality mental health service to all the people of Hawaii.

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Fully featured template 

Created in WordPress, we built a custom template from the ground up. Built for mobile, it displays beautifully across a wide variety of devices, meets all ADA requirements and most importantly, is easy for non-technical users to edit and manage their site.

A simple, beautiful color scheme

A simple, beautiful color scheme.

Inspired by Van Gogh

Our visual design was inspired by the art of Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890). A brilliant and talented artist, evidence suggests that he suffered from multiple mental health conditions yet was still able to leave his permanent mark on art culture with the colors, style, and beauty of his painting. By using his work, our aim was a subtle de-stigmatization of mental illness.

Van Gogh self portrait

Self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890).

Keeping the community informed

The goal of the site was to give SCMH a platform for keeping the community informed on mental health issues in Hawaii. The agency can now post mental health related trainings and events, meeting notices and agendas, blog about council activities, apply to serve on the board, learn about existing board members, and keep up to date on important mental health news statewide.

“Again thank you to you and your team! This is just so exciting! You all did a fabulous job – truly artistic and million times more than I could have imagined.”

– Marie Vorsino, Board Chair