
Hawaii’s One-Stop Solution for Professional Licensees Wins State Government Project Experience Award


MyPVL external link was recently announced as a winner of the third annual Center for Digital Government, Government Experience Awards. The awards recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that have gone to the web and beyond to radically improve the experience of government and push the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered.

MyPVL is a one-stop-shop for anyone who wants to become a professional licensee or…
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Hawaii Business Express Wins Outstanding Website Award


Hawaii Business Express (HBE) external link, has been nationally recognized with a Web Marketing Association award for Outstanding Website in the government category. The award is an extraordinary honor and HBE received top scores in the ease of use, copy-writing, content, and interactivity criteria.

Hawaii Business Express was created at the request of the State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA), Business Registration Division (BREG) and in partnership…
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Liquor License Renewals Now Available for Hawaii County Businesses

Site launches

The Liquor Licenses and Permits service for the County of Hawaii, Department of Liquor Control has been expanded to include renewal of liquor licenses.

During the annual renewal period of May 15 – June 30, 2019, licensees can visit: external link to begin their renewal application. After entering their liquor license number, users will be able to see the renewal fee, licensee information, license type information, and mailing and business…
Read more… Liquor License Renewals Now Available for Hawaii County Businesses

Go Hunt Hawaii Wins A Communicator Award


Go Hunt Hawaii external link, Hawaii’s official hunting resource, has been nationally recognized with a Communicator Award of Distinction in the government website category. With over 6,000 entries received from across the US and around the world, the Communicator Awards is the largest and most competitive awards program honoring creative excellence for communications professionals.

“We are extremely proud to recognize the work received in the 25th Annual Communicator Awards. This class…
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Announcing the Redesigned Hawaii Business Express

Site launches

Today, starting a business in Hawaii is easier than ever when using Hawaii Business Express (HBE). The State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs’ (DCCA) Business Registration Division (BREG) has redesigned their entire suite of  business services from the ground up to better serve Hawaii’s business community.

Highlights include:

A fresh and unified design that also works on mobileImproved organization and navigation across the entire suite of business…
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Self-Printing Service for Hawaii Professional Licensees Available at MyPVL

Site launches

The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Professional and Vocational Licensing Division (PVL) is announcing the launch of the online Self-Printing service at MyPVL:

Effective April 18, 2019, license pocket ID cards and wall certificates are now available for immediate download and printing at no cost to licensees. The updated pocket ID card provides additional consumer protection with a QR code design imprint, in which consumers can…
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Hawaii Ensures Accessibility of Government Facilities with an Electronic Submission and Review Process

Site launches

The Hawaii Department of Health, Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB) has launched its electronic Plan Review Submission System at external link.

The plan review transmittal forms can now be completed and submitted online along with the plan drawings. Upon determination of the review fee, the submitter will have the ability to pay for the review fee either by credit card or check. The online system will also provide an electronic review process…
Read more… Hawaii Ensures Accessibility of Government Facilities with an Electronic Submission and Review Process

Out-of-State Medical Cannabis Patients Can Now Register Using the Hawaii MEDMJ Medical Cannabis Registry Application

Site launches

MEDMJ, the Hawaii State Department of Health Medical Cannabis Registry application external link, has now been expanded to include registration of out-of-state patients. In addition, all out-of-state and most in-state patients can obtain their 329 Medical Cannabis Card electronically, 24/7.

For new out-of-state patients, registration is completed in 4 easy steps: 1) verify that you have both a valid Medical Cannabis card from another U.S. state or territory, and either a…
Read more… Out-of-State Medical Cannabis Patients Can Now Register Using the Hawaii MEDMJ Medical Cannabis Registry Application

Hawaii’s Clean and Sober Home Registry Provides Support for Recovery Efforts

Site launches

The Hawaii Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) has launched its Clean and Sober Home Registry for providers to begin registering their homes voluntarily at external link.

Act 193 Session Laws of Hawaii 2014 Relating to Group Homes established a voluntary Clean and Sober Home registry to help those in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction to more easily find and access a stable, alcohol and drug-free home-like living environment in residences that comply with federal, state and county requirements and standards. A key…
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Hawaii Small Business Registration now available on the Hawaii Awards & Notices Data System (HANDS)

Site launches

Hawaii small businesses can now register online with the State of Hawaii through the Hawaii Awards & Notices Data Systems website external link. The registration can be completed in three easy steps:  First, verify that your business meets the size standards for a small business established by the Small Business Administration. Second, create an account. Lastly, complete the small business registration form.

In July 2017, the Hawaii State Legislature mandated…
Read more… Hawaii Small Business Registration now available on the Hawaii Awards & Notices Data System (HANDS)